Internet Explorer/wmf图像解析分析

逆向Internet Explorer/Edge的代码,找找思路。初步每周1篇。

Edge里面并不支持wmf,所以这次就光IE了,IE版本:IE 11.0.9600.18499

Windows Metafile (WMF) is a graphics file format on Microsoft Windows systems, originally designed in the early 1990s. Windows Metafiles are intended to be portable between applications and may contain both vector graphics and bitmap components.

Essentially, a WMF file stores a list of function calls that have to be issued to the Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) layer in order to display an image on screen

In 2007 Enhanced Metafile (EMF) a newer 32-bit version with additional commands appeared. EMF is also used as a graphics language for printer drivers. The last(?) version of EMF, 4.0, appeared in 2008.

With the release of Windows XP, the Enhanced Metafile Format Plus Extensions (EMF+) format was introduced. EMF+ provides a way to serialize calls to the GDI+ API in the same way that WMF/EMF stores calls to GDI.
  1. WMF Parser


0:023> bp mshtml!CImgTaskWmf::ReadImage
0:023> g
Breakpoint 0 hit
eax=00000000 ebx=0a370a00 ecx=0a370a00 edx=02d7e000 esi=0a370a00 edi=0fb8fbc0
eip=5bd84df1 esp=0fb8fb8c ebp=0fb8fbb4 iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
cs=0023  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00000246
5bd84df1 8bff            mov     edi,edi
0:023> kvn
 # ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child              
00 0fb8fb88 5bd84da2 5bd84d10 00000016 9ac6cdd7 MSHTML!CImgTaskWmf::ReadImage (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
01 0fb8fbb4 5b9d9639 0fb8fbd8 0a39af00 0a370a00 MSHTML!CImgTaskWmf::Decode+0x92 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
02 0fb8fbf8 5b9d94f4 00000000 5b9d94d0 0fb8fc44 MSHTML!CImgTask::Exec+0x120 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
03 0fb8fc08 74d259d8 0a39af00 5225dee8 00000000 MSHTML!CImgTaskExec::FiberProc+0x24 (FPO: [1,0,0])
04 0fb8fc44 74d25986 ffffffff 77562f03 00000000 KERNELBASE!_BaseFiberStart+0x49 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
05 0fb8fc54 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 KERNELBASE!BaseFiberStart+0x16 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])

让我们先从这一小截来。IE在加载图片时,CImgHelper会调用void WINAPI CImgTaskExec::FiberProc(void * pv),这个FiberProc相当于做了一个异步加载的工作。传进来的指针pv为PFIBERINFO,FiberProc创建一个CImgTask对象,随即将这个PFIBERINFO中的“ImgTask”的成员传给CImgTask,并调用其Exec函数。



__int32 __thiscall CImgTaskWmf::Decode(CImgTaskWmf *this, int *a2)
  CImgTaskWmf *pImgTaskWmf; // esi@1
  int val1; // eax@3
  int v4; // ecx@3
  int v5; // ST04_4@3
  int v6; // ST00_4@3
  __int32 result; // eax@3
  int v8; // [sp+4h] [bp-20h]@1
  char v9; // [sp+8h] [bp-1Ch]@1
  __int16 v10; // [sp+Eh] [bp-16h]@3
  __int16 v11; // [sp+10h] [bp-14h]@3
  __int16 v12; // [sp+12h] [bp-12h]@3
  __int16 v13; // [sp+14h] [bp-10h]@3
  unsigned __int16 v14; // [sp+16h] [bp-Eh]@3

  v8 = 0;
  *a2 = 1;
  pImgTaskWmf = this;
  if ( CImgTask::Read(this, &v9, 0x16u, (unsigned __int32 *)&v8, (unsigned __int32)this) < 0 || v8 != 22 )
    result = 0x80004005;
    val1 = MulDiv(v12 - v10, 96, v14);
    v4 = v13;
    *((_DWORD *)pImgTaskWmf + 29) = abs(val1);
    v5 = abs(MulDiv(v4 - v11, 96, v14));
    v6 = *((_DWORD *)pImgTaskWmf + 29);
    *((_DWORD *)pImgTaskWmf + 30) = v5;
    CImgTask::OnSize(pImgTaskWmf, v6, v5, 0, -1);
    result = CImgTaskWmf::ReadImage(pImgTaskWmf);
  return result;


__int32 __thiscall CImgTask::Read(CImgTask *this, void *Dst, unsigned __int32 a3, unsigned __int32 *a4, unsigned __int32 a5)
  CDwnMemStream *v5; // ecx@1
  __int32 result; // eax@1
  unsigned __int32 v7; // [sp+4h] [bp-4h]@1

  v5 = (CDwnMemStream *)*((_DWORD *)this + 301);
  v7 = 0;
  result = CDwnMemStream::Read(v5, Dst, a3, a3, &v7);
  if ( a4 )
    *a4 = v7;
  return result;


unsigned __int32 __thiscall CDwnMemStream::Read(CDwnMemStream *this, void *Dst, unsigned __int32 a3, unsigned __int32 a4, unsigned __int32 *a5)
  int v5; // ebx@1
  CDwnMemStream *v6; // esi@1
  unsigned __int32 v7; // edi@1
  int v8; // edx@1
  int v9; // eax@1
  int v10; // ecx@2
  int v11; // eax@3
  unsigned __int32 v12; // edi@4
  bool v13; // zf@7
  unsigned __int32 v15; // ecx@13
  int v16; // [sp+Ch] [bp-Ch]@1
  unsigned __int32 v17; // [sp+10h] [bp-8h]@6
  int v18; // [sp+14h] [bp-4h]@3

  v5 = a3;
  v6 = this;
  v7 = 0;
  v8 = *((_DWORD *)this + 3);
  v9 = *((_DWORD *)this + 5) << 14;
  v16 = v8 + v9;
  if ( *((_BYTE *)this + 24)
    || (v15 = *((_DWORD *)this + 8) - v8 - v9, a3 <= v15)
    || a4 <= v15
    || (v17 = 0,
        v7 = CImgTask::ReadIntoStream(*((CImgTask **)v6 + 9), v6, a3 - v15, a4 - v15, &v17),
        (v7 & 0x80000000) == 0) )
    v10 = *((_DWORD *)v6 + 5) << 14;
    if ( a3 >= *((_DWORD *)v6 + 8) - v10 - *((_DWORD *)v6 + 3) )
      v5 = *((_DWORD *)v6 + 8) - v10 - *((_DWORD *)v6 + 3);
    v11 = v5;
    v18 = v5;
    if ( v5 )
      while ( 1 )
        v12 = 0x4000 - *((_DWORD *)v6 + 3);
        if ( v11 < v12 )
          v12 = v11;
        v17 = CMemPage::Read(
                *(CMemPage **)(*(_DWORD *)(*((_DWORD *)v6 + 7) + 4) + 4 * *((_DWORD *)v6 + 5)),
                *((_DWORD *)v6 + 3),
        if ( (v17 & 0x80000000) != 0 )
        v13 = (((_WORD)v12 + (unsigned __int16)*((_DWORD *)v6 + 3)) & 0x3FFF) == 0;
        *((_DWORD *)v6 + 3) = ((_WORD)v12 + (unsigned __int16)*((_DWORD *)v6 + 3)) & 0x3FFF;
        if ( v13 )
          ++*((_DWORD *)v6 + 5);
        Dst = (char *)Dst + v12;
        v11 = v18 - v12;
        v18 = v11;
        if ( !v11 )
          v7 = v17;
          goto LABEL_10;
      CDwnMemStream::SetReadPosition(v6, v16);
      v7 = v17;
      if ( a5 )
        *a5 = v5;
  return v7;



  if ( *((_BYTE *)this + 24)
    || (v15 = *((_DWORD *)this + 8) - v8 - v9, cb <= v15)
    || pcbRead <= v15
    || (v17 = 0,
        v7 = CImgTask::ReadIntoStream(*((CImgTask **)_this + 9), _this, cb - v15, pcbRead - v15, &v17),
        (v7 & 0x80000000) == 0) )

IDA的转换有些蛋疼,|| 是遇到真短路的。但是遇到这种复杂的IDA很可能出错,所以相信自己为好,直接从汇编语句看吧。


mov     esi, ecx         ;ESI = this
push    edi
xor     edi, edi         ;EDI = 0
mov     eax, [esi+14h]   ;eax = *(this+0x14)
mov     edx, [esi+0Ch]   ;edx = *(this+0xc)
shl     eax, 0Eh         ;eax <<= 0xe.   eax is some value..
cmp     byte ptr [esi+18h], 0 ; if(this + 0x18 == 0)
lea     ecx, [edx+eax]   ;ecx = *(*(this+0xc) + eax);  so edx is a pointer value.
mov     [ebp+var_C], ecx ; some variant = ecx;
jz      loc_638F41B2     ; if zero then jump


loc_638F41B2: (true)
mov     ecx, [esi+20h]   ; ecx = *(this + 0x20)
sub     ecx, edx         ; ecx -= *(this+0xc)    so this+0x20 is a pointer. pointer - pointer = delta 
sub     ecx, eax         ; ecx -= eax      another value - valuee
cmp     ebx, ecx         ; if(arg2 >= ecx)     [note: ebx is arg2 ]
jbe     loc_638F412D


mov     eax, [ebp+arg3] ; eax = arg3;
cmp     eax, ecx        ; if (arg3 >= ecx)
jbe     loc_638F412D


sub     eax, ecx         ; arg3 -= ecx
mov     [ebp+var_8], edi ; some variant 2 = 0  [ note edi == 0 now]
lea     edx, [ebp+var_8] ; edx = &some variant2
push    edx              
push    eax              ; eax now is original arg3.
mov     eax, ebx         ; eax = arg2
sub     eax, ecx         ; eax -= ecx;
mov     ecx, [esi+24h]   ; ecx = this+0x24   [!!]
push    eax             
push    esi              ; struct CDwnMemStream *
call    ?ReadIntoStream@CImgTask@@QAEJAAVCDwnMemStream@@KKPAK@Z ; CImgTask::ReadIntoStream(CDwnMemStream &,ulong,ulong,ulong *)
mov     edi, eax          ; edi = return value
test    edi, edi          ; if (retValue != 0)
jns     loc_638F412D

关键点在CImgTask::ReadIntoStreamCImgTask::ReadIntoStream是一个thiscall,因此ecx为“this”(CImgTask*)。所以mov ecx, [esi+24h]这里this+0x24就是CImgTask*。也就是 CDwnMemStream* + 0x24 = CImgTask*

CImgTask::ReadIntoStream第二个参数为CDwnMemStream &类型,因此esi,也即this是CDwnMemStream*,这个没有疑问。


    cbPos += cbGot;
    cbReq -= cbGot;
    if ( !cbReq )
      goto Finish;

第三个参数由push eax传入,鉴于上面的eax = arg2; eax -= ecx; 我们大概清楚了 arg2就是资源大小,也命名为cbReq。 ecx是已获得大小,命名 cbGot。

第四个参数呢,push eax ,这里的eax还是传入的原始arg3。再去CImgTask::ReadIntoStream看一眼,原来arg3是“每次最小需要获取的量”,命名为cbMin。我是从这段代码得知的:


      if ( CImgTask::IsDwnBindEof(_pBindData) || !cbGot && cbTot >= a4 )
        goto Finish;

第五个参数,是一个DWORD的指针,按照编程人员的习惯,感觉我们已经初步给它命名DWORD* ccbGot了。不过还是去CImgTask::ReadIntoStream一探究竟。


  _ccbGot = ccbGot;
  if ( CImgTask::IsDwnBindEof(this) )
    *ccbGot = 0;


   *_ccbGot = cbTot;
  return result_1;


signed int __thiscall CImgTask::ReadIntoStream(CImgTask *this, struct CDwnMemStream *pDwnMemStream, unsigned __int32 cbReq, unsigned __int32 cbMin, unsigned __int32 *ccbGot)
  CImgTask *_pBindData; // esi@1
  signed int maxSize; // edi@5
  __int32 result_1; // ebx@6
  unsigned __int32 cbGot; // edi@8
  unsigned __int32 cch; // [sp+Ch] [bp-2014h]@7
  unsigned __int32 cbTot; // [sp+10h] [bp-2010h]@3
  unsigned __int32 *_ccbGot; // [sp+14h] [bp-200Ch]@1
  char Src; // [sp+18h] [bp-2008h]@7

  _pBindData = this;
  _ccbGot = ccbGot;
  if ( CImgTask::IsDwnBindEof(this) )
    *ccbGot = 0;
    CDwnMemStream::FinalizeContent(*((CDwnMemStream **)_pBindData + 301));
    return 0;
  if ( pDwnMemStream != *((struct CDwnMemStream **)_pBindData + 301) )
    return 0x80004005;
  cbTot = 0;
  while ( !*((_DWORD *)_pBindData + 25) )
    maxSize = cbReq;
    if ( cbReq > 0x2000 )
      maxSize = 0x2000;
    result_1 = CDwnMemStream::EnsureCanAppend(*((CDwnMemStream **)_pBindData + 301), maxSize);
    if ( result_1 < 0 )
      goto Finish;
    result_1 = CDwnBindData::Read(*((CDwnBindData **)_pBindData + 23), &Src, maxSize, &cch);
    if ( result_1 < 0 )
      goto Finish;
    cbGot = cch;
    if ( cch )
      result_1 = CDwnMemStream::Append(*((CDwnMemStream **)_pBindData + 301), &Src, cch);
      if ( result_1 < 0 )
        goto Finish;
      cbGot = cch;
    cbTot += cbGot;
    cbReq -= cbGot;
    if ( !cbReq )
      goto Finish;
    if ( cbGot )
      if ( CDwnTask::IsTimeout(_pBindData) )
        cbGot = cch;
        goto DoTimeOut;
      if ( CImgTask::IsDwnBindEof(_pBindData) || !cbGot && cbTot >= cbMin )
        goto Finish;
      if ( Microsoft_IEEnableBits & 2 )
        Template_pt(Microsoft_IEHandle, dword_64751CDC, cbGot);
        cbGot = cch;
      CImgTaskExec::YieldTask(*((CImgTaskExec **)_pBindData + 4), _pBindData, cbGot == 0);
      if ( Microsoft_IEEnableBits & 2 )
        Template_pt(Microsoft_IEHandle, dword_64751CDC, cch);
  result_1 = 0x80004004;
  if ( CImgTask::IsDwnBindEof(_pBindData) )
    CDwnMemStream::FinalizeContent(*((CDwnMemStream **)_pBindData + 301));
  *_ccbGot = cbTot;
  return result_1;

B. 回到上一层CDwnMemStream::Read,我们重新命名它,得到完整代码:

unsigned __int32 __thiscall CDwnMemStream::Read(CDwnMemStream *this, void *dataDestination, unsigned __int32 cbReq_1, unsigned __int32 cbMinReq, unsigned __int32 *ccbGot)
  int cbReq; // ebx@1
  CDwnMemStream *_this; // esi@1
  unsigned __int32 SubResult; // edi@1
  int someValue; // edx@1
  int v9; // eax@1
  int dwSomeValue; // ecx@2
  int cbRemain; // eax@3
  unsigned __int32 stepSize; // edi@4
  bool v13; // zf@7
  unsigned __int32 v15; // ecx@13
  int pos; // [sp+Ch] [bp-Ch]@1
  unsigned __int32 ReadResult; // [sp+10h] [bp-8h]@6
  int cbFullReqValue; // [sp+14h] [bp-4h]@3

  cbReq = cbReq_1;
  _this = this;
  SubResult = 0;
  someValue = *((_DWORD *)this + 3);
  v9 = *((_DWORD *)this + 5) << 14;
  pos = someValue + v9;
  if ( *((_BYTE *)this + 24)
    || (v15 = *((_DWORD *)this + 8) - someValue - v9, cbReq_1 <= v15)
    || cbMinReq <= v15
    || (ReadResult = 0,
        SubResult = CImgTask::ReadIntoStream(
                      *((CImgTask **)_this + 9),
                      cbReq_1 - v15,
                      cbMinReq - v15,
        (SubResult & 0x80000000) == 0) )
    dwSomeValue = *((_DWORD *)_this + 5) << 14;
    if ( cbReq_1 >= *((_DWORD *)_this + 8) - dwSomeValue - *((_DWORD *)_this + 3) )
      cbReq = *((_DWORD *)_this + 8) - dwSomeValue - *((_DWORD *)_this + 3);
    cbRemain = cbReq;
    cbFullReqValue = cbReq;
    if ( cbReq )
      while ( 1 )
        stepSize = 0x4000 - *((_DWORD *)_this + 3);
        if ( cbRemain < stepSize )
          stepSize = cbRemain;
        ReadResult = CMemPage::Read(
                       *(CMemPage **)(*(_DWORD *)(*((_DWORD *)_this + 7) + 4) + 4 * *((_DWORD *)_this + 5)),
                       *((_DWORD *)_this + 3),
        if ( (ReadResult & 0x80000000) != 0 )   // SUCCEED(...)   marco actually..
        v13 = (((_WORD)stepSize + (unsigned __int16)*((_DWORD *)_this + 3)) & 0x3FFF) == 0;
        *((_DWORD *)_this + 3) = ((_WORD)stepSize + (unsigned __int16)*((_DWORD *)_this + 3)) & 0x3FFF;
        if ( v13 )
          ++*((_DWORD *)_this + 5);
        dataDestination = (char *)dataDestination + stepSize;
        cbRemain = cbFullReqValue - stepSize;
        cbFullReqValue = cbRemain;
        if ( !cbRemain )
          SubResult = ReadResult;
          goto Exit;
      CDwnMemStream::SetReadPosition(_this, pos);
      SubResult = ReadResult;
      if ( ccbGot )
        *ccbGot = cbReq;
  return SubResult;

C. 我们基本可以理解这个函数的作用:从流中按照分片大小依次读入。


int __thiscall CImgTaskWmf::Decode(CImgTaskWmf *this, int *a2)
  CImgTaskWmf *pThis; // esi@1
  int v3; // eax@3
  int v4; // ecx@3
  int v5; // ST04_4@3
  int v6; // ST00_4@3
  int result; // eax@3
  int bytesRead; // [sp+4h] [bp-20h]@1
  char v9; // [sp+8h] [bp-1Ch]@1
  __int16 v10; // [sp+Eh] [bp-16h]@3
  __int16 v11; // [sp+10h] [bp-14h]@3
  __int16 v12; // [sp+12h] [bp-12h]@3
  __int16 v13; // [sp+14h] [bp-10h]@3
  unsigned __int16 v14; // [sp+16h] [bp-Eh]@3

  bytesRead = 0;
  *a2 = 1;
  pThis = this;
  if ( CImgTask::Read(this, &v9, 0x16u, (unsigned __int32 *)&bytesRead, (unsigned __int32)this) < 0 || bytesRead != 0x16 )// read fail or read size not != 0x16
    result = 0x80004005;
    v3 = MulDiv(v12 - v10, 0x60, v14);
    v4 = v13;
    *((_DWORD *)pThis + 29) = abs(v3);
    v5 = abs(MulDiv(v4 - v11, 0x60, v14));
    v6 = *((_DWORD *)pThis + 29);
    *((_DWORD *)pThis + 30) = v5;
    CImgTask::OnSize(pThis, v6, v5, 0, -1);
    result = CImgTaskWmf::ReadImage(pThis);
  return result;



mov     esi, ecx                        ;esi = `this`
lea     eax, [ebp+bytesRead]            ;eax is variant bytesRead
xor     ecx, ecx            ;ecx = 0;
mov     [ebp+var_438], esi      ;somevariant1 = `this`
push    ecx
push    eax
push    12h
lea     eax, [ebp+Src]          ;eax is somevariant2
mov     [ebp+var_428], ecx      ;somevariant3 = 0
mov     [ebp+var_424], ecx      ;somevariant4 = 0
mov     edi, ecx            ;edi = 0
mov     [ebp+hmf], ecx          ;hMf = 0.   handle to metafile
mov     [ebp+h], ecx            ;h ? = 0.
mov     [ebp+bytesRead], ecx        ;bytesRead = 0
mov     ecx, esi            ;ecx = `this`
push    eax             ;push somevariant2
call    ?Read@CImgTask@@IAEJPAXKPAKK@Z ; CImgTask::Read(void *,ulong,ulong *,ulong)
test    eax, eax            ;if(eax < 0) // if(!SUCCEED(eax))
js      loc_64151BA6


__int32 __thiscall CImgTask::Read(CImgTask *this, char *buf, unsigned int cbMin, unsigned __int32 *_cbGot)
  CDwnMemStream *v5; // ecx@1
  __int32 result; // eax@1
  unsigned __int32 cbGot; // [sp+4h] [bp-4h]@1

  v5 = (CDwnMemStream *)*((_DWORD *)this + 301);
  cbGot = 0;
  result = CDwnMemStream::Read(v5, buf, cbMin, cbMin, &cbGot);
  if ( _cbGot )
    *_cbGot = cbGot;
  return result;


mov     esi, ecx                        ;esi = `this`
lea     eax, [ebp+bytesRead]            ;eax is variant bytesRead
xor     ecx, ecx            ;ecx = 0;
mov     [ebp+var_438], esi      ;somevariant1 = `this`
push    ecx             ;0
push    eax             ;buffer
push    12h             ;cbMin(cbReq)
lea     eax, [ebp+Src]          ;eax is somevariant2 --> cbGot
mov     [ebp+var_428], ecx      ;somevariant3 = 0
mov     [ebp+var_424], ecx      ;somevariant4 = 0
mov     edi, ecx            ;edi = 0
mov     [ebp+hmf], ecx          ;hMf = 0.   handle to metafile
mov     [ebp+h], ecx            ;h ? = 0.
mov     [ebp+bytesRead], ecx        ;bytesRead = 0
mov     ecx, esi            ;ecx = `this`
push    eax             ;push somevariant2 --> cbGot
call    ?Read@CImgTask@@IAEJPAXKPAKK@Z ; CImgTask::Read(void *,ulong,ulong *,ulong)
test    eax, eax            ;if(eax < 0) // if(!SUCCEED(eax))
js      loc_64151BA6


cmp     [ebp+bytesRead], 12h
jnz     loc_64151BA6



mov     ecx, [ebp+var_412]
xor     eax, eax
shld    eax, ecx, 1
add     ecx, ecx
push    eax
push    ecx
lea     ecx, [ebp+bufSize]
call    _ULongLongToULong@12 ; ULongLongToULong(x,x,x)
test    eax, eax
js      loc_64151BA6

将bufsize从ULONGLONG 转为ULONG并判断是否成功以及溢出


mov     eax, [ebp+bufSize]
cmp     eax, 12h
jb      loc_64151BA6



mov     ecx, _g_hProcessHeap
mov     edx, eax
call    ??$HeapAllocClear@$00@MemoryProtection@@YGPAXPAXI@Z ; MemoryProtection::HeapAllocClear<1>(void *,uint)
mov     ebx, eax
test    ebx, ebx
jz      loc_64151BA6

如果bufSize<0x12,则在Process Heap分配一块内存,并判断是否成功。



push    12h             ; MaxCount
lea     eax, [ebp+buf]
push    eax             ; Src
push    [ebp+bufSize]   ; DstSize
push    ebx             ; Dst
call    ds:__imp__memcpy_s ;将读出的数据写入Buffer,不知是否可能出现问题,可以再看看。

MetaFile Header的处理到此结束。下面开始处理数据部分

mov     eax, [ebp+bufSize]
lea     ecx, [ebp+bytesRead]
and     [ebp+bytesRead], edi
add     esp, 0Ch
add     eax, 0FFFFFFEEh    ;实际上是-0x12,也就是去掉了刚刚读取的头,剩余的部分再Read一次。
mov     [ebp+var_42C], eax 
push    ecx
push    eax
lea     eax, [ebx+12h]
mov     ecx, esi
push    eax
call    ?Read@CImgTask@@IAEJPAXKPAKK@Z ; CImgTask::Read(void *,ulong,ulong *,ulong)
test    eax, eax
js      loc_64151B60

后面的就是处理Meta File自身的逻辑了。


 if ( CImgTask::Read(this, &buf, 0x12u, (unsigned __int32 *)&bytesRead, 0) < 0// if not Read Error then 
    || bytesRead != 0x12                        // judge Read byte is 0x12
    || ULongLongToULong(2 * v32, (unsigned __int64)v32 >> 31) < 0// ULONGLONG -> LONGLONG, judge if there's any interger overflow
    || bufSize < 0x12                           // judge if header part is illegal
    || (pMem = MemoryProtection::HeapAllocClear<1>(g_hProcessHeap, bufSize)) == 0 )// judge if Heap allocating is succeed
    result_1 = 0x80004005;                      // any fail will make this func return 0x8004005
    goto LABEL_28;
  _memcpy_s((void *)pMem, bufSize, &buf, 0x12u);
  bytesRead = 0;
  remaining = bufSize - 0x12;
  if ( CImgTask::Read(v1, (char *)(pMem + 18), bufSize - 0x12, (unsigned __int32 *)&bytesRead, (unsigned __int32)v19) < 0
    || bytesRead != remaining )
    result_1 = 0x80004005;
    goto LABEL_19;

接下来,绘制Meta File。伪代码如下,又是一长串

 hmf = SetMetaFileBitsEx(bufSize, (const BYTE *)pMem);
  if ( hmf )
    MemoryProtection::HeapFree(v20, v21, v22);
    pMem = 0;
    bufSize = 0;
    v5 = (struct ColorPalette **)TSmartPointer<ColorPalette>::operator&(&bufSize);
    if ( ColorPaletteInternal::GetColorPalette(v6, v5) < 0 )
      result_1 = 0x80004005;
      goto LABEL_23;
    v7 = (const void *)(bufSize + 1036);
    CopyColorsFromPaletteEntries((struct tagRGBQUAD *)0x100, (const struct tagPALETTEENTRY *)v20, (unsigned int)v21);
    v8 = v23;
    _memcpy_s((char *)v23 + 152, 0x400u, v7, 0x400u);
    LOBYTE(remaining) = *((_BYTE *)v23 + 112);
    v19 = (void *)TSmartPointer<IWICProgressiveLevelControl>::operator&(&v27);
    v9 = TSmartPointer<CDCompLayer>::operator&(&v28);
    LOBYTE(v10) = 1;
    result_1 = CImgCacheEntry::Create(
                 *((_DWORD *)v8 + 29),
                 *((_DWORD *)v8 + 30),
    if ( result_1 < 0 )
      if ( hmf )
      goto LABEL_25;
    v11 = v28;
    *((_DWORD *)v23 + 33) = 255;
    *((_DWORD *)v8 + 32) = 1;
    v12 = (int)v11 + 48;
    v19 = (void *)(*((_DWORD *)v8 + 30) * CImgBits::CbLine(v11));
    v18 = *((_BYTE *)v8 + 132);
    v13 = *(_DWORD *)v12;
    v14 = *(int (**)(void))(*(_DWORD *)v12 + 16);
    __guard_check_icall_fptr(*(_DWORD *)(v13 + 16));
    v15 = (void *)v14();
    if ( &v18 != &v18 )
    memset(v15, v18, (size_t)v19);
    v2 = GetMemoryDC();
    if ( !v2 )
      result_1 = 0x80004005;
      goto LABEL_23;
    v19 = (void *)*((_DWORD *)v28 + 19);
    *((_DWORD *)v28 + 23) |= 2u;
    h = SelectObject(v2, v19);
    SetMapMode(v2, 8);
    v16 = v23;
    v19 = 0;
    SetViewportExtEx(v2, *((_DWORD *)v23 + 29), *((_DWORD *)v23 + 30), 0);
    PlayMetaFile(v2, hmf);
    RestoreDC(v2, -1);
    *((_DWORD *)v16 + 31) = -1;
    LogSqmIncrement(0x7Au, 1u);
    result_1 = 0;
    if ( h )
      SelectObject(v2, h);
    if ( v2 )
    goto LABEL_23;



hmf = SetMetaFileBitsEx(dwSize, pBuf); 
if (!hmf) ...

CopyColorsFromPaletteEntries(arg, globalArg, 256); 

// create memory dc and rendering meta file into this bitmap.     
hdc = GetMemoryDC(); 

SaveDC(SelectObject(hdc, ...); 

SetMapMode(hdc, MM_ANISOTROPIC); 
SetViewportExtEx(hdc, width, height, NULL); 
PlayMetaFile(hdc, hmf); 
RestoreDC(hdc, -1); 



dwhcb = (void *)(*((_DWORD *)v8 + 30) * CImgBits::CbLine(v11));// height * cbLine actually..
dwTrans = *((_BYTE *)v8 + 132);
v13 = *(_DWORD *)v12;
getBits = *(int (**)(void))(*(_DWORD *)v12 + 16);
__guard_check_icall_fptr(*(_DWORD *)(v13 + 16));
bits = (void *)getBits();
if ( &dwTrans != &dwTrans )
memset(bits, dwTrans, (size_t)dwhcb);
hdc = GetMemoryDC();
if ( !hdc )
  result_1 = 0x80004005;
  goto LABEL_23;

这一段,首先是dwTrans让我们很是疑惑,不过看到这个fastfail应该都释然了,if ( &dwTrans != &dwTrans ) __fastfail(4u);,不能利用的。


  if ( pMem )
    MemoryProtection::HeapFree(ghalfTone_ape, val256, v22);
  return result_1;




